Thursday, December 27, 2007

flying to the wild, wild west is not as easy as taking a wagon train, i suspect

greetings and happy holidays from wyo! we've had a delightful stay in my hometown these past few days. there are 12 of us here at one time, all in my mom's house, and despite the occasional sniping and snapping, we're all getting along well. spending christmas with my fabulous nephew has been fabulous. he's such a great kid and even though i called him a frog today, he's cute as can be. plus, we had a white christmas, and even though the weather was frigid, it's been gorgeous.

the only drawback to this entire trip has been our flights. we had used free tix to get here, and i think that our travel karma from last christmas's travels has worn off. we missed our flight to riv last saturday, due to a late flight from PDX that caused us to miss our connection. we spent the night in south denver (aka colo. springs) at the radisson, on horrid sleep number beds with no luggage, and therefore no deodorant, toothbrushes or fresh clothes. 29 hours after leaving PDX, we arrived in riv.

today, when we got to the airport to fly home, we were bumped because our puddle jumper plane had weight restrictions and they chose us because we paid nothing for our tix. we supposedly will fly out tomorrow, but i don't have a lot of confidence in great lakes aviation (aka great waste aviation), especially after seeing how poorly they manage their ticketing, flight schedules and passenger lists. it's a long story, but suffice to say that the people at reservations and at the ticketing counter are not on the same page as the people who actually board the planes, so just because one person says you are confirmed on a flight, the people boarding the plane may think otherwise. note to self: never fly them again. they are AWFUL.

when i'm home, or perhaps at the airport tomorrow, i'll upload some photos of our trip. stay tuned, and in the meantime, happy new year! my new years' resolution is to blog more, eat and drink less, and be more motivated.

Friday, December 21, 2007

since it's that shopping time of the year

i've been cruising for the past few weeks trying to get inspiration for christmas gifts. there are so many great ideas, and honestly, the challenge i have is that i want to buy a lot of stuff for myself instead of other people (eek -- that's a selfish statement!). nonetheless, there are such great ideas on here, and if you need a late xmas gift, you should go on here, even if all you do is print out a picture of what you bought someone, since it probably won't ship on time.

i'm headed to riv for the week, and can't wait to join the millions of other travelers tomorrow flying through pdx and dia. gag.

sorry i've been delinquent with my musings lately. i've not given up on the ol' blog. i don't really have a good excuse for not blogging, except that i haven't had anything of note to bring up. my new year's resolution is to be on here more often, if nothing else than to give myself a continued writing exercise that doesn't consist of marketing jargon and other drone-ish terms.

have a very happy christmas, and enjoy time with your loved ones or yourself. kiss someone under the mistletoe. drink spiked nog on the coutch. stay up late and get up late. watch "love actually" a dozen times between now and the 25th. i know i'll be doing all of the above.
