Tuesday, June 06, 2006

slugs of a feather stick together

sunday night i couldn't sleep. i tossed and turned for a good hour or two before i decided to migrate to the spare room (newly painted that saturday, i might add, in anticipation of many visitors this summer). as i laid there at 1:30AM i remembered i'd forgotten to lock the back door. with my mind racing enough at that point, i was sure that if i left it unlocked, a stranger would come in, steal my stuff, eat my food, and other horrible things. so, i walked down the hall, down the stairs and turned the light on to check.

sadly, i was too late. an unexpected visitor had already found his way into our house.

i came face to face with...


nasty, 2-inch, black slug, stuck to the inside of our back door.

how the heck did it get in the house?! to this day, i still can't figure it out. slugs don't have thumbs. they can't open doors. i hadn't left the door open long enough for one to waltz across the threshold. have you seen a slug move? they're slow.

why, you ask, am i still thinking about the slug? because i was too lazy (ok, scared out of my mind) to touch the damn thing on sunday night, so i left it there thinking i could make mickey take care of it in the morning. but, when i went back monday morning, the slug was gone. and i've not seen him since. which means, he's leaving nasty, 2-inch, black slug trails somewhere in my house. and that is SO not ok with me.

and speaking of slugs, did anyone see what ann coulter said on the "today" show today? apparently she's got a whole book on this insanity. was it a coincidence it was the devil's day today and she was out in full force? you decide....

1 comment:

Ivar said...

i used to live in a little town on mt hood called brightwood. in brightwood, there was a little market and a magical place known as the brightwood tavern. it was one of those places that the record skipped if you walked into the place and not everyone in the bar knew where you lived (actual address). fortunately, during the mid summer when it was too hot to move, or the middle of the winter when it was too cold not to drink, they used to (and i'm sure they still do) have slug races. up-side to slug races: a single bar table will do for about as many slugs as you need, the horses for this race are abundant and not so hard to find, slugs don't move so fast, so there is a great deal of drinking to be had between start and finish! down-side: well, if you don't mind slugs, there is no down side. welcome to mt hood.