Thursday, August 24, 2006


all i had to eat yesterday was pizza. 6 pieces of it. nothing else.

nothing to report

6 am: shut alarm off.

go to work.

maybe eat lunch.

come home at 7.




repeat ad yaddayaddaeum.

no time even to read wonkette. what a sad blog poster.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

mental atrophy

i perhaps must eat my words from my last post. partially at least. while i was right about the workload, it turns out it's not so much easy. long hours, early mornings (relative to my previous job), and really smart people kept me on my toes for five days straight. next to me at this moment, my work laptop is turned on, logged on. and this is just the first week.

but: i love feeling like my brain is being stretched. i love feeling like there's so much to do that there's not a moment to lose. i love feeling like i have to prove myself all over again.

it's true that, if not used, a brain can atrophy. just so happens that mine is back on a regular exercise regimen. i'm exhausted, but the endorphins and adrenaline feel great.

Monday, August 14, 2006

new frontier

i started my new jobbie today. it was pleasantly easy, i'm happy to report. while there's mountains of work to be done, it's either manageable, or its scope and severity is beyond my sphere of comprehension. nevertheless, i'll live in blissful ignorance for now as i learn all about new clients and company policies.

it's delightful to work for a large company for the first time -- upon my arrival, my desk was set up, the computer configured properly, there was a nice stock of office supplies available to me. they had organized a thorough and helpful orientation for me. and, they had gathered an extensive library of info for me to study in advance of my upcoming client meetings.

i got home from work and told mickey all about how
very organized, very professional the first day at my new company was. and, lo, the words were not barely out of my mouth when i realized i had been wearing my shirt inside out all day long.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

haus frau tasks

i moved all the furniture out of the living room and mickey's office yesterday, because today the carpet and air ducts are getting cleaned. thus, my dining room looks like this:
i've been informed by the cleaning man upstairs just now that the funk in my ducts has plugged up his system twice. that normally happens only once during a cleaning. at any rate, i've been banished to the basement whilst they work their magic. my allergies are miserable at the moment because of all the nastiness coming out of the ducts. guess this is long overdue.

in other news, we finally joined the ranks of most mainstream americans and had cable teevee installed yesterday. so, as i sneeze and blow my nose, at least i can watch giada de laurentiis make the most delicious looking strawberry trifle i've seen.

speaking of food, i made an antipasti platter last eve that giada herself would have been proud of.

hurrah, it's fig season!

i rode my little bike to the new seasons where i purchased a variety of cheese, some salami, and some veg to grill. paired with a washington sauvignon blanc, it was delicious.

have i mentioned i love being home during the day?

Monday, August 07, 2006

if only every week was like this

i'm into my second week of unemployment. lots of stuff in the works, many house visitors, lots of stories. in lieu of a narrative, i give you my photo montage of some memorable moments:

oregon beer fest, after 65 beers. rock n roll.

our denver-friends at the farmer's market

delicious dessert at pix

fricking mariners lost, whah whah (debbie downer sound here)

toots's blast from the past

more here at flickr. suffice to say, i love not being at work. but, i am excited (not ready, but excited) to start my new gig next monday.

Friday, August 04, 2006

rock n roll

last night mickey and i had the honor and privilege of attending A.R.T's production of "hedwig and the angry inch" with friends tom and judy. the performance features wade mccollum (of PCS's "batboy" fame) in a reprise of hedwig. he is, undoubtedly, the most dynamic, talented actor to grace this here rose city, and man, o man, does he do rock n roll right. i've seen the "hedwig" movie a handful of times, and listened to the soundtrack about a gajillion times, and still, last night's production blew my little, art-starved mind. the production was infintely better than the movie, and mccollum brought a whole new personality to hedwig.

show highlights: kick-ass, complex, beautiful vocals from mccollum, singing the finest lyrics from steven trask; witty, silly, often political ad-libbed banter from hedwig; audience lap dances; and did i mention, mccollum is the most physically fit actor i've ever seen on stage? as hedwig, he mentions he does ashtanga yoga. that must be true for mccollum himself. that guy is bendy and has got the finest legs this side of radio city music hall.

enough gushing, which i could do all day. please, please go see it between now and next saturday, when it closes forever. i may go back again, so perhaps i'll see you there.